- Allen Sunshine tells the story of a former music mogul who retreats to an isolated lakeside home to grieve his famous wife’s suicide. He copes by composing ambient-electronic music and nurturing an unexpected friendship with two young boys whom he meets on the lake fishing. Throughout the course of his stages of grief, Allen encounters characters that remind him of what he’s lo...
- 一个相当奇怪的女人来招募裸体模特。他说着混合英语,就像在国外留学一样,但他的行为却有点奇怪和不寻常。一个画家,爱上了他古怪的魅力……从小就是他邻居妹妹的塔米,以女人的身份激怒了他。我的朋友贤智和她男朋友之间的正直关系……会以幸福的结局结束吗?