搜索 羽贺研二

  • 隆(清水宏次朗 配音)和肯(羽贺研二 配音)是年轻的武道家,毕生的理想就是追求更强健的体魄和更强大的力量,为了磨炼技艺,两人结伴而行开始了周游世界的旅程,只为了寻找更加强大的对手,探索各自的极限。   一路上,两人遇见了许多和他们志同道合的好友——活泼可爱的春丽(藤谷美纪 配音)、刚正不阿的古烈(津嘉山正种 配音)、不断突破着自我的飞龙(船木诚胜 配音),好友们在一起切磋比试,彼此之间技艺都有了很大的长进,隆更是因为遇见了一位神秘的师父,习得了破坏力巨大的“波动拳”。他们共同的敌人是强大而又邪恶的维加,一行人能否团结一心,组织维加的阴谋呢?
  •   Ryu and Ken Masters are close friends and both are martial artists. In order to become better fighters and learn new techniques, they travel the world and are exposed to many different fighting styles, as well as meeting new people. During their journey, they find themselves caught up in a conspiracy perpetrated by a mysterious organisation called Shadowlaw, both now face their ultimate challenge and must fight for their lives as they combat the evil M. Bison.
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