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  • 影片故事延续前作,路奇乌斯(保罗·麦斯卡 Paul Mescal 饰)童年时亲眼目击受万人景仰的英雄马克西蒙斯死于舅舅之手,多年后已长大成人的他,在暴君的铁腕统治下,被迫进入竞技场为生存而战。心中充满怒火的卢修斯,眼见罗马帝国的未来岌岌可危,决心讨回本属于他的权力和荣誉,还 罗马人民一个辉煌的罗马。
  •   DI Humphrey Goodman and the team are left stumped in the first episode of the new series when millionaire environmentalist and scientist Dan Hagen is shot on his boat while out at sea.
  • 他们是等待法庭判决的被告,这是他们的故事。同性恋异装癖的特雷西(Tracie)遭受着无数白眼和嘲讽,当他以为自己最终找到真爱时,却没有想到男友杀死妻子后骗他协助沉尸,特雷西也因此被怀疑参与了谋杀;单身母亲莫(Mo)因不肯向黑帮屈服,结果她的儿子遭黑帮威胁杀了好友独子,为了保护儿子,她忍受着良心谴责试图全家搬离, 但最终难逃法网;17岁的斯蒂芬(Stephen)正经历丧母之痛,他的父亲已经与曾照料母亲的护士同居,在他眼中恶毒的后妈想尽办法要除掉自己和弟弟,于是他将利刃捅向了对方身体;斯蒂芬在狱中自杀,作为看护的蒂娜(Tina)原本想帮同事隐瞒,但她最终还是揭露了真相,而为了避免斯蒂芬的悲剧重演,蒂娜私自放走了转到自己监狱的杰克(Jake),她也因为协助犯人逃跑而成为被告。
  •   Long out of circulation, Deep Throat Part II was conceived as a soft-core sequel to the highly successful Deep Throat. The film was written and directed by sexploitation virtuoso Joe Sarno and shot on 35mm in the New York City area in early 1973. It was released in the U. S. in early 1974 with an MPAA "R" rating and quickly disappeared; porn journalist Al Goldstien, writing in Screw, called it "the worst film I have ever seen." The existing U. S. version of the film now on DVD is bowdlerized; the Italian DVD release version contains the film's original soft-core sex scenes. There has long been an urban legend that the film was shot hardcore and that the hardcore sex scenes were "stolen" while the film was in post-production; this claim seems extremely dubious and director Joe Sarno himself has insisted in interview that only soft-core sex scenes were shot for the film. Deep Throat Part II is Linda Lovelace's second feature film (she only officially starred in three). A young Judy Tenuta (comedienne) has a walk-on cameo. The film is one of Sarno's rare comic efforts and contains an unusually polished soundtrack featuring tunes written by, among others, former members of Jay and the Americans.