搜索 沈熙燮

  • The most important thing for Na-young, who has lived her entire life in a small seaside village, is taking care of her family and friends. However, her mother tries to sell their precious house full of memories, and her younger brother insists on moving to Seoul. While Na-young struggles to accept the changes, she comes across bowling and begins to spend more and more time at t...
  •   The most important thing for Na-young, who has lived her entire life in a small seaside village, is taking care of her family and friends. However, her mother tries to sell their precious house full of memories, and her younger brother insists on moving to Seoul. While Na-young struggles to accept the changes, she comes across bowling and begins to spend more and more time at the bowling alley. 
  •   The most important thing for Na-young, who has lived her entire life in a small seaside village, is taking care of her family and friends. However, her mother tries to sell their precious house full of memories, and her younger brother insists on moving to Seoul. While Na-young struggles to accept the changes, she comes across bowling and begins to spend more and more time at the bowling alley. 
  • 第19届全州国际电影节韩国竞争单元话题之作,一个不愿意受伤的男人的不按套路出牌的自由恋爱!既不是朋友也不是男女朋友的俊浩和恩智之间既甜蜜又苦涩的“超真实恋爱记”!“我不太会谈恋爱,我好像跟谈恋爱不太搭”因为不愿意受伤而无法真心交付的男人俊浩如是说;“都不能大把花钱了,至少这辈子得随心所欲点啊”唯有一颗真心的女人恩智如是说。俊浩向恩智提议开始一场不用负责、无需义务的自由恋爱,但却渐渐发现自己对温暖又乐天的恩智渐渐敞开了心扉...
  • 藝術家于貞身陷抄襲官司時,美術館策展人振浩邀請她參加特別展覽,她為了把握機會而與振浩發生關係。同時,于貞的朋友素英突然回國,擅自住進她與男友亨重的公寓,在得知于貞的不倫情事後,竟提議色誘亨重並拍下證據,以防東窗事發。另外,美術館老闆想找亨重取代振浩,兩人為此互相較勁,振浩還找上曾是知名藝術家的素英。四人各自暗藏心機,這場爾虞我詐的遊戲將會由誰勝出呢?
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