- 从上海转学到新加坡的六年级小学生梓豪(周俞辰 饰)在学校很快就有了一群好朋友,其中包括:全校公认的学霸Jayden(江松恒 饰),想子承父业卖鱼圆面的小胖(黄智扬 饰),还有乐于助人的班长佳瑶(吴委恩 饰)等。 小升初考试号角即将吹响,梓豪的妈妈文婷(胡静 饰)打响第一枪,她不惜辞去工作来到新加坡伴读。文婷为了提升梓豪的成绩花样促学,听从“军师”太太团给出的各项奇招,背字典、背小说等等。两人百般过招中梓豪不负母望成绩稳步提升。梓豪的进步引起了老“卷王” Jayden妈妈(柳胜美 饰)的危机感,她身经百战、战绩赫赫随即下场应战,双方交手你来我往局面一度十分混乱。而学校更是派来了年轻帅气的李老师(容启航 饰)来引导孩子们更加勤奋刻苦学习,一场为了升入名校的较量开始了……
- Ah Huang, Ah Qiang and Ah Hui have been friends for as long as they can remember. When Ah Huang's mounting debts drive him to desperate measures, Ah Qiang and Ah Hui agree to lend him money. He uses the money to build an illegal business. Even after the business become successful, he refuses to repay the money to his friends. However, when the business collapses, Ah Huang is fo...