搜索 杰瑞德·加菲尔

  • Peter Capaldi’s final episode of Doctor Who this Christmas will feature Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts and be called Twice Upon a Time, it was revealed this evening (23 July) during a cast panel at San Diego Comic Con. Viewers will have to wait until Christmas to discover exactly how Bill, who will appear throughout the episode, makes her return.
  •   24岁的杰克(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)获得假释出狱,负责接管他的特里(彼得·穆兰 Peter Mullan 饰)为他安排了新名字新房子新工作,于是他用“杰克”这个名字开始了新生活。在新的工作环境中,杰克认识了新朋友克里斯(肖恩·埃文斯 Shaun Evans 饰),也结交了一个女朋友米歇尔(凯蒂·里昂丝 Katie Lyons 饰),还在一次车祸中救了一名女孩。然而,已经改过自新的他必须向所有人隐瞒——自己曾经是个杀人犯的秘密。曾经的杰克是个受到老师家长冷落的少年,他和唯一的朋友菲利普整天厮混在一起,有一天,他们在小树林里残忍地杀害了一名少女……  杰克在适应新生活的同时,往日的记忆常常一幕幕地浮现。多年前的命案引起社会的强烈关注,小报们时刻在关注这个少年杀人犯,网上也炒起了悬赏金。随后女朋友的无故失踪让他陷入不安中,曾经被称作“男孩A”的他又如何面对以后的生活……  本片改编自乔纳森·特里盖尔获得多项大奖的同名小说。
  • Peter Capaldi’s final episode of Doctor Who this Christmas will feature Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts and be called Twice Upon a Time, it was revealed this evening (23 July) during a cast panel at San Diego Comic Con. Viewers will have to wait until Christmas to discover exactly how Bill, who will appear throughout the episode, makes her return.
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