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  •   在挪威森林的一个小农场里,佩恩一家追求野性和自由的生活。他们实行家庭教育,努力营造与大自然和谐相处的亲密家庭氛围。然而,一场突如其来的悲剧打破了他们的田园生活,迫使他们不得不重新开辟一条通往现代社会的道路。
  •   1960年的夏天,社会学家埃德加·莫兰和让·鲁什对巴黎年轻人的日常生活进行调查,了解他们对幸福的理解。这部论述电影连续几个月跟踪调查的进行,也记录了主人公们的变化。调查中被采访的人最后在影片第一次放映的时候聚集在一起观看进行讨论,有人的赞同,有的人驳斥。两位导演通过这部真实电影,经历了既极具挑战又充满乐趣的体验。  "In the summer of 1960, Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin investigated the everyday life of people living in Paris. ""Are you happy? How do you live?"" These are some of questions they asked young people on the street in an attempt to understand their idea of happiness.  From manual labourers, students, to a couple of office workers, the different protagonists reveal themselves in conversation, unconcerned about the presence of the camera. With no script, and no professional actors, this film sets out to frame the limits of cinematographic truth."  1961 戛纳国际电影节 国际影评人奖
  • The Lady In Number 6 is one of the most inspirational and uplifting stories of the year. 109 year old, Alice Herz Sommer, the world's oldest pianist and Holocaust survivor shares her story on how to achieve a long and happy life. She discussed the importance of music, laughter and how to have an optimistic outlook on life.
  • 1976年,一场7.8级地震,把王大鸣、林智燕小两口,双双埋在矿医院。六天七夜后,王大鸣获救,醒来得知:身怀六甲的妻子没了,老爸没了。左邻右舍,家家戴孝。在震后忘我工作的日子里,陶瓷厂女工杨艾闯进王大鸣的生活。杨艾父母双亡,大姐全家殁于地震,只撇下个震成了哑巴的小儿子。王大鸣和杨艾做了半路夫妻。王家和林家,已搭伙过成一家子。除了老妈冯兰芝、老丈人林兆瑞、小舅子林智诚、小妹王卫东,刚收养的隔壁刘家俩半大小子,现今又添三个新成员——杨艾两姊妹和小哑巴孙磊。九口人,六个姓,非血缘组合一家子,经过地震、非典、情感纠结及癌症折磨,在改革开放时代变迁中,挣脱震后困厄,最终重建幸福家园。
  • 本片由伊安·瑞克利斯执导,讲述一名年轻特工被派去跟踪一名向中东出售化学武器交易的年长特工。
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