搜索 安德鲁·劳伦斯

  • 一位疯狂的科学家祖父发明了一种基因转换机器,他4岁的孙子不小心把他的身体变成了一个30岁的人的身体。当他的兄弟姐妹们试图在他们的父母度假回来之前,在坏人先找到他之前抓住他的时候,小波比逃离并在城里四处奔跑。这台机器值很多钱,他们只有一天的时间,机器就会失去把芭比娃娃找回来的能力。
  • 杰克(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)是一位功成名就的音乐家,在事业上取得了硕大的成功,这也就意味着,他牺牲了大部分陪伴家人的时间,杰克的儿子查理(约瑟夫·克罗斯 Joseph Cross 饰)对此一直感到闷闷不乐。某日,杰克回到家,和查理一起堆了一个大雪人,杰克送给查理一只口琴,父子之间许下承诺。  圣诞节将至,杰克决心和家人们共同度过这个温馨的节日,然而,就在他驱车回家的路上,发生了严重的车祸,杰克亦因此丧命。失去父亲的悲痛和绝望笼罩着查理,整整一年,查理的家庭都生活在悲怆而又压抑的气氛中。一晃眼,圣诞节又到了,查理想起了和父亲的约定,他堆了一个雪人,然后吹响了父亲送给他的口琴,希望父亲能够如同承诺的那样,再度回到他的身旁。
  •   A professional thief with $40 million in debt and his family's life on the line must commit one final heist - rob a futuristic airborne casino filled with the world's most dangerous criminals.
  •   Jackie, the heiress to her husband's fortune after his death, who finally finds love again with a plastic surgeon, Kevin. As tragedy continues around her, secrets about Kevin and her late husband's family nefariously come to light.
  • A mad scientist grandfather invents a genetic transformation machine and his 4 year old grandson accidentally turns his body into that of a 30 year old man. Baby Bobby escapes and runs around town as his siblings try to catch him before their parents get back from vacation AND before the bad guys get to him first. The machine is worth a lot of money and they only have a day before the machine loses its capabilities to change baby bobby back.
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