搜索 大和武士

  • 米子(天海佑希饰)代号黑色天使,是一名职业女杀手,杀人手法干净利落,冷血无情。然而在其心底却有着年少时的一段珍贵回忆。庆川家族由于争夺地盘发生内讧,米子奉命追杀庆川,躲闪之余,一名路人被保镖(大和武士饰)误杀。路人之妻报仇之际又借米子之手杀了庆川。一直在幕后操纵的松田,想让三人自相残杀。却不知造化弄人,三个仇人机缘巧合聚在一起,一起向松田的黑帮势力发起进攻。Tokyo Shock的又一经典延续,动作片美感十足。
  • Ran (Shimamura) comes to Japan, and makes an immediate impression by assassinating a Yakuza boss and his associates, while they dine in a restaurant. Escaping the scene, she hides out in the restaurant owned by Yoichi (Yamato), and thanks him for covering for her with her body. About three hours later – or maybe it just seems that way – she moves on with the rest of her mission...
  • 1997年,超级电脑炼金之星预测到地球将会破坏招来体所消灭。得知此事后人类用炼金之星的研究技术组成一个全球防御组织GUARD,而XIG则是GUARD的战斗力量。
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