- In the movie, three-time winner of “Best Yell in Action Film,” box office king and action star Nic Cassino is knocked off his perch by the next generation of action heroes. In an attempt to revive his career, he travels to Italy to make the first ever “Neo-Realist” action film with down on their luck Italian directors. However, unresolved struggles with his family resurface and he is forced to reconcile all he left behind on his road to fame.
- 20世纪30年代,战争的幽灵盘桓世界上空。纳粹相信妖术可以帮助他们迈向胜利,于是派出手下四处寻找便捷的“治世良方”。1936年,在美国西弗吉尼亚的一个偏僻乡村复仇溪,诚实善良的沃尔纳一家迎来一名不速之客。隶属于北美地区德国遗产学术委员会的理查德·沃斯博士(Michael Fassbender 饰)来到这里,借住在沃尔纳家。一家人虽然心有惴惴,不过看在钱的份上欣然接纳沃斯博士,并对其表现出诚挚的热情,却不曾想对方带来了难以置信的灾难。 2007年,警察伊万·马歇尔(Henry Cavill 饰)生活正陷入困境。他的哥哥维克多(Dominic Purcell 饰)一度消失。当他以为兄长已死时,维克多却突然出现,带着弟弟来到复仇溪。维克多究竟经历了怎样的磨难?这与30年代沃尔纳一家的遭遇又有什么关联?