- 《我的高德弗里》由一处破败的垃圾场开始,尖锐地嘲笑了贵族们无聊透顶的“狩猎”游戏,同时也把平民化的男主角高非里带进了一个有趣但完全颓废的布尔乔亚家庭。那里充满了对立,姐姐厌恶他,想方设法地陷害他;而妹妹善良正直,偏偏对这位穷管家心有独衷。其实这位管家毕业于名牌高校,他用主人家的钱偷偷投资,最终使得这个家庭免于破产,并且为流浪汉修建了一个“垃圾场”俱乐部。当然,美人入怀也是必不可少的。男主角威廉·鲍威尔仪态儒雅,凭借侦探喜剧《瘦人》系列蜚声好莱坞;妹妹扮演者卡罗尔·隆巴德更是美国少有的天才喜剧演员,她嫁给盖博,并于1942年出演了刘别谦的反战名作《生死问题》。可惜,该片尚未公映,隆巴德不幸在拉斯维加斯坠机身亡。
- Steve and Susan Ireland are about to celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary by re-enacting their first date. When Susan's meddling mother interrupts and injures herself. Steve is left to take care of her and when he meets an old flame in the elevator--Susan's mother takes the opportunity to break-up their marriage. She convinces Susan that Steve is cheating on her-Susan files for divorce. Steve has one solution to save his marriage...Pretend he is insane. Written by Kelly