搜索 佐野周二

  • 剧情:故事以一对身处战时的夫妇为中心,一直等待着参战丈夫归来的妻子独力支撑生计,生活困苦。为了支付儿子的医药费,妻子在无可奈何的情况下,被迫干了一次卖淫的勾当。丈夫归来之后,妻子坦然的如实相告,却令丈夫非常生气,大感羞辱气愤之余,更大打出手,将妻子强暴了。   丈夫帮助一个妓女找了一份工作,虽然理解妻子的行为,却难以原谅……
  •   一天,经营着农场的青山正一(坂本武 饰)收到了一封意料之外的来信,写信的是早年离家出走的女儿阿金(高峰秀子 饰),如今她已经改名为莉莉卡门了。阿金在信中说自己所在的剧团放假了,她要带着女友玛雅(小林敏子 饰)一起回乡探望。  田口春雄(佐野周二 饰)虽然在战争中失去了双眼,但依然保持着对音乐的热爱,他正在创作一首名为《故乡》的歌曲,每天,春雄都会在妻子的陪伴下来到学校的音乐室弹琴。校长被春雄的音乐所打动了,决定在校运会上让春雄演奏他的歌,而阿金和玛雅也准备参加校运会的表演。谁也不知道的是,阿金和玛雅的真实身份,是两位脱衣物女郎,那么,她们会表演什么节目呢?
  • A former aristocratic family faces financial hardship and their daughter is introduced to a nice man in the auto repair business, the hope being that a marriage might be of economic assistance to the family. The daughter's family finds it hard to accept this kind of idea and the young man is uncomfortable with the difference in their social standing. However, everything works out in the end and a happy marriage takes place.
  • An affluent medical professor, Komiya, and his bossy wife, Tokio, are to look after Setsuko, their high-spirited niece from Osaka. Setsuko is a liberated woman who does what she wants, including smoking, even though she is a minor. On Saturday, the professor does not feel like going to his weekend golf game, but his wife packs him off anyway. So he leaves his bag at the apartment of his student Okada, and goes to a bar with a friend. Setsuko traces him there, and insists that he take her to a geisha house. When she gets rather tipsy, the professor calls Okada to take her home, while he sleeps at Okada's. The wife becomes suspicious of Setsuko when she sees Okada bringing her home, and also of her husband when she discovers that he did not go golfing.
  •   家住金泽的教师堀川周平(笠智众 饰)是一个人生坎坷的男人,他的妻子早年去世,多年来周平独自含辛茹苦将儿子良平养大。在某次郊游中,一名学生不幸溺毙,周平作为负责人引咎辞职。失去工作后他带着儿子回到故乡信州,并在村里谋得一份差使勉强度日。良平学习还算用功,他进入中学后寄宿学校,而为了能供儿子完成接下来的学业,周平只身前往东京工作。此去经年,黄天不负有心人的良平(佐野周二 饰)考入仙台帝大,进而在秋田的一所学校取得教师的岗位。他日昔盼望和父亲重聚,怎奈周平全力支持儿子的事业,不忍拖周平的后腿。在动荡的岁月迁徙,父子分出两地遥遥相望……  本片剧本是小津安二郎于1937年出征前夕完成的。
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