搜索 乔·莫罗

  • Eileen is 22 and is smarting from her breakup with Russ. She comes to New York to visit her brother, Adam, who is an airline pilot. Eileen confides to her brother that she thinks she may be the only 22 year old virgin left in the world. Adam assures her that sex is not what all men look for and insists he hasn't slept around. Of course, Adam is lying and is in hot pursuit of a ...
  • 噱头之王威廉·卡索又有新花样了!在本片中,他邀请观众来到猛鬼屋中,一同找出藏匿各处的孤魂野鬼。观众必须戴上一种“红蓝立体眼镜”,就能在经过特殊染色处理的场景中,发现鬼魂的藏身之处。故事发生一栋豪宅,隶属于已故的神秘学家佐巴博士名下。他的侄子塞洛斯带着全家,霸占了这个诡异的地方,才发现这里住的,不只有他们,佐巴博士在豪宅中,豢养了看不见的鬼魂,只能用博士最后的发明─鬼魂辨识眼镜才能识破。犹有更甚者,佐巴遗留了大笔财宝在屋内,却有不知名的力量,强力阻止塞洛斯全家找到宝藏……
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